Volunteer and make new friends

Please contact hccps@hawridgeandcholesburycommons.org if you are able to help in any way

  • Join the Committee

  • Take Commons photographs for the website, promotional materials, cards and the Calendar

  • Design and market the cards and calendars

  • Maintain flora and fauna records;

  • Fund-raising and help organise events. 

  • Duke of Edinburgh : Those wishing to volunteer as part of the DofE scheme should contact Lindsay, Tel 01494 758440

  • Children are welcome to volunteer if accompanied by a parent.

We are keen to encourage all children to enjoy the Commons. If you have children who would like to help do get in touch whether they are part of the DofE scheme or not. We can give them tasks to do (with their parents’ supervision) and we can provide them with tools and ways in which to help maintain the Commons.


Although the bulk of the work on the Commons is now done by machine there is still work which needs to be done by hand. If you would like to undertake some of the many tasks in your own time here is a list of jobs that currently need doing:

  • Removing the bracken from the heather: Recently the DofE volunteers worked on this and Janet and others have had a go on the Hawridge side of Horseblock. We would value your help on the heather beds too in pulling up bracken plants or cutting off the bracken with secateurs if it is too hard to pull it out. The waste can be thrown into the treed area nearby. Please be aware that you need to wear heavy duty gardening gloves because the bracken stems can splinter and cause wounds.

  • Clearing the ride of debris on Rays Hill: Just throw logs/branches off to the sides. This would make the track much easier for walkers and riders.

  • Clearing the areas around the various benches: Removing or cutting backbrambles and bracken would make it easier to sit comfortably.


We no longer ask for volunteers to join the regular Hilltop Commons Conservation Group (HCCG) as much of the work is now done using machines by our contractor James Jolliffe who manages the grassland and keeps paths and rides clear of low and fallen branches.

Other tasks still need doing by hand to regenerate gorse, control bracken in the heather patches and manage the ponds, all with the aim of improving the biodiversity of the Commons.

Working parties still meet occasionally on an ad hoc basis when there are tasks best done by a gang.


HCCPS has been fortunate in having several DofE candidates volunteering to help with tasks on the Commons for their Bronze award. We are committed to providing them with worthwhile experiences. Zach Weaver has just completed his and wrote “Doing my volunteering work for the Commons Preservation Society has been very enjoyable, although some mornings I was half asleep. I would choose it over doing work in a charity shop or something like that any day. I certainly do now have an understanding of the orchestrated effort needed to keep the commons in tiptop condition. I would most definitely recommend doing it to any friends who needed to do their volunteering work”. 

Please get in touch to volunteer